Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Big Bertha Storage located?
Big Bertha Storage is conveniently located at 1056 King Street Suite 200, Charleston, SC 29403. We’re just 2 miles from Medical University of South Carolina and the College of Charleston. Residents of Mt Pleasant and North Charleston are also a few minutes away as well.
What are the office and access hours?
The office is open 7 days a week between 7:00 AM and 10:00 PM. Tenants are able to access their storage units 24/7. No calls ahead or appointments.
What types of leases are offered?
We offer simple month-to-month leases.
What documentation do I need to rent a unit?
All you need is a valid form of government-issued ID (e.g. driver’s license or passport).
Can I pay my storage bill online?
Pay your storage bill online using a debit or credit card. You can also sign up for autopay and we’ll deduct your payment from a bank account on the same day each month.
Do you offer temperature controlled units?
Yes. Our temperature controlled units protect your items from any damage caused by unpredictable temperatures and weather.
What security features are offered?
Our facility is well-lit with our security lighting and we’re also under 24 hour video surveillance.
What am I NOT allowed to store?
Tenants are not allowed to store anything hazardous or flammable, chemicals, living plants or animals, drugs, or weapons. Give us a call if you have questions about a specific item.
How do I determine which unit size to rent?
Contact us to speak with a storage expert or use an online storage calculator. Be sure to have a list of everything you intend to store so that you’ll receive the best unit size estimate.